1:1 Replica Shoes are definitely high quality as compared to other replicas. But is the quality the same as the original shoes'? It is impossible to create an exact copy of any product because there are differences in craftsmanship, technology, and many other aspects.
Even genuine shoe versions cannot be 100% identical to their counterparts. Designers can produce at least 98% of identical designs, but not entirely. In the case of 1:1 Replica Shoes, they have a 95% maximum similarity to the original ones. But the material, design, and quality are things you have to compromise on to a certain level. The most lucrative feature of these shoes is that you get them at half the price of the original shoes.
Why are Replica Shoes Cheap?
Although Replica Shoes are produced using the same manufacturing material and technology, they are much cheaper due to some reasons.
First, advertising and branding are not required in the case of these shoes because they are already being sold in the name of branded items, including Adidas, and Nike.
China is the main manufacturer of these shoes, where labour costs and raw materials are much lower than in other countries. Therefore, the price of them is automatically lower than genuine ones.